
Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway

In Jack Canfield’s book, The Success Principles, he tells the story of a seminar where he held a $100 bill in the air and asked the audience, “Who wants this $100 bill?”

Almost everyone raised their hands, dozens of people shouted “I’ll take it!” and many more stood up and cheered. This went on for a while, but Jack just stood there and waited. Finally, someone ran up and took the $100 bill right out of his hands.  Everyone else wanted the money, but no one else had the guts to take the necessary action.

When Jack asked the audience why they didn’t do what the one lucky audience member did, most said they thought about it but didn’t have the guts to do it. Fear held them back. Some of the reasons they gave him were:

  • I was afraid I might be doing something wrong and then people would judge me or laugh at me
  • I wasn’t sure you’d really give it to me
  • I didn’t want to look greedy
  • I didn’t want to look like I wanted it that badly
  • I was too far back in the room
  • I was waiting for further instructions

What’s interesting is that these are the same fears that stop us from reaching our goals in our own lives. What actions should you be taking in your business or your life that you’re NOT because of fear? 

Let’s face it, there’s a lot to be fearful of these days.  Fear is natural. We all feel it. The difference between incredibly successful, fulfilled people and everyone else is how they react to that fear.  

Some respond to fear by worrying, stressing out, excessively planning every thought and action. The effect is paralysis in our business and our lives.  Often times, this paralysis causes our worst fears to come true. 

Others respond to fear by using it as motivation to take action. While many have the “ready, aim, fire” philosophy, some realize that the best way to hit a target is to fire first, see where the bullet lands, and then adjust your aim and fire again (ready, fire, aim). Very quickly, you’re hitting the target. 

A great way to think of fear is to use the acronym, False Expectations Appearing Real. What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail? 

Here’s an idea…

Set a goal to do one courageous thing every week. 

  • Call that prospect you’ve been afraid to call
  • Confront that co-worker you’ve been afraid to confront
  • Take a stand on an important issue
  • Start that new business you’ve been afraid to start
  • Start writing that book you’ve been meaning to write

Turn your fear into action by doing one courageous thing every week. You’ll be amazed at what your business and your life looks like at the end of the year.

What’s holding you back? What have you done to get through the fear? I’d love your comments.


Sometimes You’ve Got to Look Down

Now that we’re more than half way through the year, how are you doing with the goals you set back in January?
For many of you, I know some of those goals now seem out of reach. But it’s not too late.
 I’ve just made a short video that will change your perpective and change your results.
In this video, you’ll learn:
  • Why we sometimes give up on our most important goals
  • How to keep you motivation high through the hard times
  • Where to place your focus while your working on your goals
Be sure to watch the video right now. Just click here (or on the image below). It’ll only take you about 2 minutes and it will dramatically improve your business and your life.
After you watch the video, be sure to check out the tools (coaching and products) I have available to help you take the next step.
Break through and make it happen!

A Little Trick With Big Results

Spring is almost here. How are you doing with your goals for 2010. By the way, if you meet those goals, will it really make you happy?
Have you ever met a goal and said, “is that all there is?” Does achieving goals makes us truly happy.
I’ve just made a short video with a little trick that will give you big results.
In this video, you’ll learn:
  • How you can have feeling of fulfillment much more consistently
  • How you can take meaning from the hardships in life
  • What life is REALLY about
Be sure to watch the video right now. Just click here or on the image below). It’ll only take you about 3 minutes and it will absolutely change your outlook on (and the results of) the rest of your day.
After you watch the video, be sure to check out the tools (coaching and products) I have available to help you take the next step.
By the way, check out our new recommended book list.
Live with purpose!

Scarey Accountability Results

Back on November 16th I made a committment to myself, and all of you.

I committed to losing 20lbs by January 30, 2010 (my 45th birthday). I weighed 177  at the time and hadn’t weighed below 160 since college. Many thought I was nuts…doing it right before the “pig out” holidays.

My objective was twofold…

Obviously, the first objective was to improve my health. This is important to me. I wanted a higher level of energy. I also wanted to look better, live longer and be an positive example for others.

My second objective was to prove out  something I call “scarey accountability”. Here’s how scarey accountability works:

  1. Identify an important goal that you haven’t been able to achieve (make sure the goal is specific, measurable, achievable, realistically high and time targeted). This can be a business or personal goal.
  2. Do something that holds you accountable to achieving the goal, in a risky (or scarey) way. For example, me announcing to thousands of people that I intented to lose 20lbs.
  3. Do it!!

Well, I’m proud to announce that I achieved my goal! In fact, I achieved it two weeks ago and have maintained my goal weight of 157 since then. Here’s the interesting part…it was easy. Once I made the committment to all of you (scarey accountability), failure was no longer an option. With that option gone, my only choice was success.

My next committment is that I will continue to weigh under 160 for the next 6 months (July 31, 2010). Some people have asked me why I don’t set a goal of maintaining this weight for the rest of my life. Sounds logical, however, I never like to create goals I can only reach when I die. 

What goal are you having trouble achieving? How can you use scarey accountability to help you succeed? Remember, annoucing the goal to thousands of people is only one option. There are many ways to commit yourself…to make success your only option.

I’d like to hear from you. Please reply to this post with the answers to these two questions:

  1. What’s your goal?
  2. What’s your scarey accountability strategy?

Thanks for holding me accountable!!



What are your big rocks?

It’s January. Everyone is excited about their goals for 2010. The health club parking lots are all crowded…for now. But we all know what happens in February. The motivation dies down and resolutions are put on the shelf…until next year.
I’ve just made a short video to hep you ensure this doesn’t happen to you.
In this video, you’ll learn:
  • The difference between efficiency and effectiveness
  • What “big rocks” have to do with having a fulfilling life
  • A simple exercise to help you focus on the right goals
Be sure to watch the video right now. Just click here or on the image below). It’ll only take you about 3 minutes and it will absolutely change your outlook on (and the results of) the rest of your day.
After you watch the video, be sure to check out the tools (coaching and products) I have available to help you take the next step.

Also, for those of you keeping track…

I’m now down 18lbs. 2 more to go by January 30th!!
Keep holding me accountable!

How’s Your Attitude?

You’ve heard many times before that having the right mindset is important to your success. Well, I’ve just read a book and had an experience that proves it’s more than important, it’s absolutely necessary
I’ve just made a video to share what I’ve learned.
In this video, you’ll learn how important it is to shift your attitudes and your focus. You’ll begin to understand that: 
  • Your mind is stronger than your body
  • Your mind is stronger than any drug known to man
  • Your mind is stronger than any situation you’re currently going through
Be sure to watch the video right now. It’ll only take you about 2 minutes and it will absolutely change your outlook on (and the results of) the rest of your day.
After you watch the video, be sure to check out the tools (coaching and products) I have available to help you take the next step.
Also, for those of you keeping track…
I’m now down 10lbs. 10 more to go by January 30th!
Keep holding me accountable!

I Will Weigh 157lbs. Hold Me Accountable!!

I’ve spoken many times about the power of setting specific goals and holding yourself accountable.
It’s now time to put my money where my stomach is!
What better way to prove the power goal setting than to use myself as an example.
I weigh 177lbs. That makes me about 20 pounds overweight. I have not weighed under 160lbs since college (about 20 years ago).
This last weekend I set a specific weight goal for myself. However, I’m doing one more thing to make sure I stick to it. I will be committing to it by announcing this goal to all of you so you can hold me accountable.
Here goes…
I will weigh 157lbs by January 30th, 2010 and stay under 160lbs for, at least, the following 12 months.
Remember, I’m a business coach. My job is to help people reach their goals. So, if I can’t do this, what kind of credibility will that give me as a coach? That’s why having you hold me accountable is so important…and scary.  Failure is not an option for me.
I will be updated you time to time on my progress so you an either pat me on the back or kick me in the ass!!
So, I’d like to ask you to do 2 things:
  1. Hold me accountable. Don’t let me off the hook.
  2. Identify a goal that’s important to you that you haven’t been able to achieve. Make sure you have a specific goal, and then, do something scary to hold yourself accountable. Don’t let failure be an option.
Thanks for your help. Now, Iv’e got to go eat a carrot.

Why Goals Aren’t Enough: What’s Your Purpose?

I talk a lot about goals. Goals are important. Without specific goals and ways to measure your progress, it’s tough to know if you’re getting anywhere.

However, if the focus of your life is on achieving individual goals, you will remain unfulfilled. Here’s the problem…

When I ask people when they feel they most fulfilled and happy, most tell me it’s when they fulfill a worthwhile goal. However, when I ask them how long that great feeling lasts, they tell me it may only last a matter of minutes.

Why? Think about it…

Let’s say your goal is to make $200k per year and you reach that goal. For most of us, the next thought is “wouldn’t it be great to make $250k?”. Your euphoria will last a few minutes before you’re striving for the next goal. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with aggressively striving for the next goal. I just think we all need a way to feel fulfilled and happy every day, not just for a few fleeting moments after achieving a goal.

That’s why most people we know are frustrated, even if all outward signs show them to be successful (great house, nice car, large bank account).

So how can we feel fulfilled more consistently?

The answer is to discover your life’s purpose. Your life’s purpose is not something that can be “achieved”. You “achieve” goals, you “live” your purpose.  By understanding your life’s purpose, or being able to answer the question “why am I here?”, you can strive to live every day in a manner that is consistent with that purpose. 

Most people, however, have no clue what the purpose of their life is. Is it to finish my list of ” to do’s”? Make a certain amount of money? Make everyone else happy? I don’t think so.

So how so we figure out what our purpose is? Stay tuned for my next blog and find out!!


What’s Your Recipe For Positive Energy?

When we think negative thoughts our brains automatically scan our environment for things to justify these thoughts. That why some days start bad and just seem to get worse.

When we think positive thoughts the same thing happens. Therefore, it’s critical to know how to shift your energy from negative to positive at any moment.

What’s your recipe for creating postive thoughts and positive energy in the face of negative circumstances?

Here are some things that work for me:

  • Taking a long walk in nature (this seems to clear my mind and bring new ideas, seemingly out of nowhere)
  • Listening to high energy music (for me, nothing beats AC/DC’s “Back in Black”)
  • Reading an inspirational book or passage
  • Thinking about all of the things I’m thankful for
  • Exercising
  • Using affirmations first thing in the morning, before I go to sleep at night and anytime I feel down throughout the day
  • Meditating
  • Visualizing the life I’m committed to leading as if it’s already happened

What works for you? If you know, do it! If you don’t, experiment and come up with your own recipe.

I’d love to know what works for you. Please reply to this and let me know!!


It Starts With An Attitude

Ever wonder why it seems like th rich get richer and the poor get poorer? It all starts with an attitude.

Scenario One – The Rich Get Richer:

Step 1 – Attitude: Susan has a goal of achieving great things in her business and believes her potential is limitless. Her attitude practically shouts “I believe in myself and I believe in my business!”.

Step 2 Action: Because of Susan’s belief and attitude, she takes massive action. She is an unstoppable machine.

Step3 – Results: Susan’s massive action leads to incredible results.

Step 4 – Attitude – Susan’s incredible results feed her beliefs and make her attitude even stronger.

This stronger attitude drives even more massive action, greater results and the cycle goes on…up and up and up.

Scenario One – The Poor Get Poorer:

Step 1 – Attitude: John has a goal of achieving great things in his business but is pessimistic about his potential in this economy. He sees other around him struggling. Why should he be any different?

Step 2 Action: Because of John’s beliefs and attitudes, he takes little action. He’d rather wait and see when the economy will turn around.

Step3 – Results: Because of John’s lack of action, he sees little results.

Step 4 – Attitude – John’s poor results feed his beliefs and make his attitude even more negative.

This attitude drives even less action, poorer results and the cycle goes on…down and down and down.

What are you doing to feed your attitude today?