Performance Breakthrough Reviewed on The Leadership Blog

By John G. Agno
Having the right people not only impacts the performance of your organization, but your own happiness. If you don’t enjoy coming to work, how do you think your employees feel?

“Performance Breakthrough” by Mike Goldman provides a framework to drive enthusiasm and engagement throughout your organization.

Read the full article on

Entrepreneur Podcast Network

Mike on Enterprise Radio

Mike Goldman the author of the book “Performance Breakthrough: The 4 Secrets of Passionate Organizations” joins Enterprise Radio. Mike has over 25 years of experience consulting and coaching companies from the local entrepreneur to the Fortune 500.

Listen to interview with host Eric Dye & guest Mike Goldman here:



My name is Mike Goldman. I’m an executive coach and my purpose in life is to change the world by helping people discover and live their passion.

The purpose of this blog is to help me achieve that purpose by communicating breakthrough ideas and tips to make that happen.

Imagine what your life would look like if you lived your passion everyday. Imagine how it would feel to wake up in the morning and say “I can’t wait to go to work today!”. Wouldn’t it be great if work felt like a hobby.

If you’re a business owner, imagine the impact of your employees feeling that way. What would that do to your company’s performance? What would it do for morale? What would it do for your competitive advantage?

I hope you’ll join me by reading this blog and sharing your ideas. I look forward to our conversation.