
Moments of Truth In The Customer Experience

Nancy complains, “Why can’t they get their act together? This is so frustrating. The first person I talked to wasn’t even nice. The second person was much nicer but couldn’t make a decision. I got sent to a technician and got lost in their phone system. It turns out they don’t have the fix I need. Then when I try to return what I bought, it sounds like the person in accounting doesn’t even know what to do to give me a credit.”

Has this ever happened to you? Not a pleasant customer experience.

Each organization’s moments of truth are when it touches each customer. Is the customer experience delightful, positive and successful? The whole point of all the company’s strategizing, structuring, systematizing, training, employment practices, service/product creation and testing, marketing and sales efforts, is to get that customer to buy and to buy multiple times. Most of us have heard that it takes 5 times as much money to get a new customer as a repeat customer. Also, we’ve heard that raising customer loyalty by 5% can increase profitability from 25-100%. So creating that positive customer experience (first time and every time) is the focus of everything we do when we build a business. Whether or not we’re thinking about ‘total customer experience,’ the customer is always thinking:  Do I like this? Will I stay? Will I come back? Is the product/service good? Is it worth the hassle if other parts of the experience are not good?  Will I tell other people about my good/bad experience?

So if your organization’s total efforts are not leading to good customer experiences, you are missing the boat and leaving money on the table.

What goes into the Total Customer Experience?

Let’s look at Nancy’s complaint and the ‘moments of truth’ that are revealed. What does it mean ‘to get their act together?’

Emotional Connection – The first person wasn’t even nice. People buy from people they know, like and trust. If someone isn’t personable, caring and relating to Nancy as a unique human being, your company isn’t even getting to first base.

Empowered Decision Making – Too bad Nancy had to get passed around.  It’s frustrating to get passed from person to person until there is finally someone who has any authority.. Companies who are recognized for their superior customer experiences empower the person who answers the phone to make most decisions. In order to make this happen, they recruit wisely and invest in developing their people to make good decisions, to buy into the company’s values and vision, to understand the customer’s needs, to gather feedback. 

Infrastructure – The phone system, the staff’s capabilities using phone and technology, availability of information about each customer (customer relationship management), knowledge database,  technology to track trouble tickets or complaints. This kind of infrastructure allows caring staff to do a better job with the resources they need. It allows for quicker troubleshooting and availability of information on a broader basis for more empowered decision making. It would have allowed Nancy to find out sooner rather than later that ‘the fix’ she needed wasn’t available. But even better it would collect information about how many customers were having the same issue so the company could create ‘the fix’ sooner and take the issue off the table.

Systems – If the accounting team had a documented system for handling returns and credits, and each person was trained in it, then Nancy would not have had such a terrible experience. In fact, if the processes were really systematized and the right infrastructure was in place, the initial person who took the call could have handled it himself.

These are just a few of the things that companies who manage the total customer experience look at. Of course, it all starts with leadership. Leaders who get their heads out of the sand and recognize the importance of the customer experience want to infuse attention to the customer experience as they do strategic planning, diagram the organizational structure, create systems and processes in all departments, design their internal reward and recognition structures, and recruit, develop and empower their personnel. That’s what Nancy’s comment about ‘getting their act together’ is really all about.

If you have a story about a really great customer experience, please share it here along with your thoughts about the components that came together to create the delightful experience you had. Thanks for sharing.


The Golden Rule Doesn’t Work!

Do you adhere to the adage that all employees should be treated equally? If so, your team will never achieve their true potential, and never be truly happy in their work.
I’ve just made a short video that will change your perpective on your long held beliefs about the Golden Rule.
In this video, you’ll learn  
  • Why the Golden Rule doesn’t work
  • What you need to know to motivate your yourself and your team
  • The principle of “acceptance” and the platinum rule
Be sure to watch the video right now. Just click here or on the image below). It’ll only take you about 2 minutes and it will dramatically improve your business and your life.
After you watch the video, be sure to check out the tools (coaching and products) I have available to help you take the next step.
Break through and make it happen!

Creating a Culture That Drives Personal Innovation

This blog post was written by Tammy Kohl of Resource Associates Corporation

Improvement is evolutionary where innovation is revolutionary. “Innovation is about creating breakaway differentiation, it’s about creating superior economic returns and it’s about creating what author Geoffrey Moore describes, as ‘an outcome competitors are either unable or unwilling to match’.” (Peter Lefler founder of The Spruance Group)

In order for a company to achieve innovative ideas the company needs to foster a culture of personal innovation. Every employee, team member, or contributor within your organization can enable innovation. They are living every process, talking with every customer, working on every production line, so they know very clearly what works well and what does not work. And, if asked they can tell the organization how it can be done better! The question becomes what process does your management team have in place to ask your employees what they believe the organization can do better?

Innovative opportunities are constantly squelched by poor organizational goal definition, poor alignment of actions to goals, poor participation in teams, poor monitoring of results, and poor communication as well as access to information. Help your people be part of the solution and contribute to a higher level of organizational success.

In a recent project with an insurance company, a cross functional team was brought together to evaluate, rework and present a low cost, no cost solution to shorten their policy approval process which was currently 13 days. They knew the industry average was 12 days. The team worked together for five days. By Friday afternoon the team was presenting to management a no-cost, reworked process taking the existing process of 13 days down to three days. Once the team was given the objectives they went to work and as a team saved the organization 10 days and a significant amount of money. They did not just present improvement … they innovated the process.

Allowing your employees to contribute means they are participating and taking responsibility for accomplishing goals. It’s important for each team member to have a clear understanding of his/her part in helping the team accomplish its goals. Utilizing employees with different strengths creates high performing and innovative teams. The key to employee contribution and innovation is in creating a culture in which people are encouraged to challenge, question, and try new things.

Creating an innovative culture is not a switch that can be flipped overnight. There may be resistance at first because changing a culture is never easy. However, in this case the change and the results are worth it. Communicate the organization’s goal and objectives and communicate the details of those goals frequently. Put a process in place that offers a safe way for employees to share ideas for improvement and innovation and always provide feedback. Establish cross-functional teams to evaluate important business processes and listen intently to what they have to say. If management stays committed to the cultural change, you will see the insecurity and resistance dissipate fostering some of the best innovate and revolutionary ideas your company may ever have seen.

Tammy A.S. Kohl is President of Resource Associates Corporation. For over 30 years, RAC has specialized in helping businesses achieve sustainable results through management consulting, strategic planning, leadership development, executive coaching and youth leadership. For information on creating a leadership succession plan visit www.resourceassociatescorp.com or contact RAC directly at 800.799.6227.


Leading More By Doing Less

An executive recently lamented that she and her company had far too many projects going on. All of them were important, she said, but insufficient progress was being made on most. In fact, she described her company as being “very good at getting things 80% done!” “Why can’t we ever complete anything?” she asked me.

 This isn’t the first time that I have heard a business owner or leader talk about this struggle. Often the situation gets oversimplified as “too much to do and not enough time or people to do it”, which seems like an impossible problem to address…so many times it is merely ignored. Frequently, however, this problem is the result of a less obvious issue: a lack of focus by the company’s leaders.

 The Power of Focus

A wise person once said that if you chase two rabbits, both will escape. The same holds true in business as many companies have too many items on their To Do list. This lack of prioritization and focus leads to poor results. According to a Pricewaterhouse Coopers survey of 200 companies in 30 countries, only 2.5% of these companies had 100% of their projects come in on time, within budget, to scope, and delivering the right business benefits. This study demonstrates that 97.5% of the time we get it wrong in some way… and prioritizing can help. Just as focus and concentration allow your mind to function more effectively, prioritization allows businesses to achieve greater results.

“Doing Less”

Prioritizing can seem especially difficult when all projects seem important. But this is precisely when it can yield the best results. An oft-missing element in prioritizing is a process in which employees have confidence; one by which initiatives can be compared to determine their relative importance to the business. A fairly simple process is plot each initiative on the following 4-quadrant chart:

  • Initiatives landing in the upper left (high benefit, low cost) are “winners”…do it now.
  • Initiatives landing in the lower right (low benefit, high cost) are “losers”…dump it
  • Initiatives landing in the upper right (high benefit, high cost) need require a return on investment (ROI) analysis to determine if and when to move forward
  • Initiatives landing in the lower left (low benefit, low cost) are prioritized based on “gut feel”


Leading More

To get the best results from prioritizing, strong leadership is required to ensure that:

  • All projects are included in the evaluation and that there are no “sacred cows.”
  • Personalities, politics and quests for power are not allowed to influence the process.
  • The negative effects of existing paradigms and “business as usual” are minimized.
  • Employees are inspired to participate, buy in to the importance of this work, and trust the process to provide valid outcomes.
  • The outcomes are followed through on and resources are properly allocated to the “critical few” most important projects.
  • Prioritization is not viewed as a “one and done” activity. It needs to be part of the business’ standard operating process and performed on a regular basis.

Difficult challenges and decisions will be faced during this process, especially if focus and prioritizing are not core competencies. Elbert Hubbard said that “It does not take much strength to do things, but it requires a great deal of strength to decide what to do.” One way that leaders can help achieve greater results is by having and instilling the discipline to focus on a few, critical projects instead of trying to do everything all at once.

What prioritization struggles are you having? How have you tried to resolve them?


Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway

In Jack Canfield’s book, The Success Principles, he tells the story of a seminar where he held a $100 bill in the air and asked the audience, “Who wants this $100 bill?”

Almost everyone raised their hands, dozens of people shouted “I’ll take it!” and many more stood up and cheered. This went on for a while, but Jack just stood there and waited. Finally, someone ran up and took the $100 bill right out of his hands.  Everyone else wanted the money, but no one else had the guts to take the necessary action.

When Jack asked the audience why they didn’t do what the one lucky audience member did, most said they thought about it but didn’t have the guts to do it. Fear held them back. Some of the reasons they gave him were:

  • I was afraid I might be doing something wrong and then people would judge me or laugh at me
  • I wasn’t sure you’d really give it to me
  • I didn’t want to look greedy
  • I didn’t want to look like I wanted it that badly
  • I was too far back in the room
  • I was waiting for further instructions

What’s interesting is that these are the same fears that stop us from reaching our goals in our own lives. What actions should you be taking in your business or your life that you’re NOT because of fear? 

Let’s face it, there’s a lot to be fearful of these days.  Fear is natural. We all feel it. The difference between incredibly successful, fulfilled people and everyone else is how they react to that fear.  

Some respond to fear by worrying, stressing out, excessively planning every thought and action. The effect is paralysis in our business and our lives.  Often times, this paralysis causes our worst fears to come true. 

Others respond to fear by using it as motivation to take action. While many have the “ready, aim, fire” philosophy, some realize that the best way to hit a target is to fire first, see where the bullet lands, and then adjust your aim and fire again (ready, fire, aim). Very quickly, you’re hitting the target. 

A great way to think of fear is to use the acronym, False Expectations Appearing Real. What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail? 

Here’s an idea…

Set a goal to do one courageous thing every week. 

  • Call that prospect you’ve been afraid to call
  • Confront that co-worker you’ve been afraid to confront
  • Take a stand on an important issue
  • Start that new business you’ve been afraid to start
  • Start writing that book you’ve been meaning to write

Turn your fear into action by doing one courageous thing every week. You’ll be amazed at what your business and your life looks like at the end of the year.

What’s holding you back? What have you done to get through the fear? I’d love your comments.


Sometimes You’ve Got to Look Down

Now that we’re more than half way through the year, how are you doing with the goals you set back in January?
For many of you, I know some of those goals now seem out of reach. But it’s not too late.
 I’ve just made a short video that will change your perpective and change your results.
In this video, you’ll learn:
  • Why we sometimes give up on our most important goals
  • How to keep you motivation high through the hard times
  • Where to place your focus while your working on your goals
Be sure to watch the video right now. Just click here (or on the image below). It’ll only take you about 2 minutes and it will dramatically improve your business and your life.
After you watch the video, be sure to check out the tools (coaching and products) I have available to help you take the next step.
Break through and make it happen!

A Little Trick With Big Results

Spring is almost here. How are you doing with your goals for 2010. By the way, if you meet those goals, will it really make you happy?
Have you ever met a goal and said, “is that all there is?” Does achieving goals makes us truly happy.
I’ve just made a short video with a little trick that will give you big results.
In this video, you’ll learn:
  • How you can have feeling of fulfillment much more consistently
  • How you can take meaning from the hardships in life
  • What life is REALLY about
Be sure to watch the video right now. Just click here or on the image below). It’ll only take you about 3 minutes and it will absolutely change your outlook on (and the results of) the rest of your day.
After you watch the video, be sure to check out the tools (coaching and products) I have available to help you take the next step.
By the way, check out our new recommended book list.
Live with purpose!

Scarey Accountability Results

Back on November 16th I made a committment to myself, and all of you.

I committed to losing 20lbs by January 30, 2010 (my 45th birthday). I weighed 177  at the time and hadn’t weighed below 160 since college. Many thought I was nuts…doing it right before the “pig out” holidays.

My objective was twofold…

Obviously, the first objective was to improve my health. This is important to me. I wanted a higher level of energy. I also wanted to look better, live longer and be an positive example for others.

My second objective was to prove out  something I call “scarey accountability”. Here’s how scarey accountability works:

  1. Identify an important goal that you haven’t been able to achieve (make sure the goal is specific, measurable, achievable, realistically high and time targeted). This can be a business or personal goal.
  2. Do something that holds you accountable to achieving the goal, in a risky (or scarey) way. For example, me announcing to thousands of people that I intented to lose 20lbs.
  3. Do it!!

Well, I’m proud to announce that I achieved my goal! In fact, I achieved it two weeks ago and have maintained my goal weight of 157 since then. Here’s the interesting part…it was easy. Once I made the committment to all of you (scarey accountability), failure was no longer an option. With that option gone, my only choice was success.

My next committment is that I will continue to weigh under 160 for the next 6 months (July 31, 2010). Some people have asked me why I don’t set a goal of maintaining this weight for the rest of my life. Sounds logical, however, I never like to create goals I can only reach when I die. 

What goal are you having trouble achieving? How can you use scarey accountability to help you succeed? Remember, annoucing the goal to thousands of people is only one option. There are many ways to commit yourself…to make success your only option.

I’d like to hear from you. Please reply to this post with the answers to these two questions:

  1. What’s your goal?
  2. What’s your scarey accountability strategy?

Thanks for holding me accountable!!



What are your big rocks?

It’s January. Everyone is excited about their goals for 2010. The health club parking lots are all crowded…for now. But we all know what happens in February. The motivation dies down and resolutions are put on the shelf…until next year.
I’ve just made a short video to hep you ensure this doesn’t happen to you.
In this video, you’ll learn:
  • The difference between efficiency and effectiveness
  • What “big rocks” have to do with having a fulfilling life
  • A simple exercise to help you focus on the right goals
Be sure to watch the video right now. Just click here or on the image below). It’ll only take you about 3 minutes and it will absolutely change your outlook on (and the results of) the rest of your day.
After you watch the video, be sure to check out the tools (coaching and products) I have available to help you take the next step.

Also, for those of you keeping track…

I’m now down 18lbs. 2 more to go by January 30th!!
Keep holding me accountable!

How’s Your Attitude?

You’ve heard many times before that having the right mindset is important to your success. Well, I’ve just read a book and had an experience that proves it’s more than important, it’s absolutely necessary
I’ve just made a video to share what I’ve learned.
In this video, you’ll learn how important it is to shift your attitudes and your focus. You’ll begin to understand that: 
  • Your mind is stronger than your body
  • Your mind is stronger than any drug known to man
  • Your mind is stronger than any situation you’re currently going through
Be sure to watch the video right now. It’ll only take you about 2 minutes and it will absolutely change your outlook on (and the results of) the rest of your day.
After you watch the video, be sure to check out the tools (coaching and products) I have available to help you take the next step.
Also, for those of you keeping track…
I’m now down 10lbs. 10 more to go by January 30th!
Keep holding me accountable!