
Slow Down

It’s amazing how creating a low stress, low velocity environment helps the brain to do its thing.

I took a 4 mile walk this morning and came up with two great new business ideas. You’ll find out more about those on future posts and my website

So many of us run at 100mph from the time we wake up until our head hits the pillow. It’s no wonder we get to the end of the day and kick ourselves for not having time for the important things (spending time with family, exercising, etc.). It’s no wonder we “wake up” 20 years later and question why our lives aren’t more fulfilling.  

We need to purposefully block out times in our schedule for low stress, low velocity activities. Time when we can think, meditate or just be grateful.

Your life is not about ticking of more things on your “to do” list.  Your life is not about working as hard as you can so you can retire at 65.  Why wait 65 years to be who you wan’t to be?

What is your life about? What’s your life’s purpose?

Check out my next post for some ways to figure that out.


Forget The Golden Rule

The Golden Rule says that we should “treat others as we would want to be treated”.

Does that make sense? Should I assume that everyone is just like me?

Each member of your team has different strengths, weaknesses, likes, dislikes, goals, motivations and learning styles. By understanding and acting on these differences you will be able to bring the best out of your team.

Let’s look at an example concerning motivations…
One team member is motivated by money and/or status while the second team member is motivated by free-time and flexibility. Should both be offered the same type of work incentives? Of course not.

Let’s look at one more example. This time concerning learning styles…
Some people learn best by studying everything there is to know about task before trying it. Forcing them to begin a task before they’re ready will result in poor execution and diminished confidence. Others like to learn by doing. They like to understand the basics of the task and then be “let loose” to learn from their mistakes. Studying the details of a task for too long only bores and de-motivates them. Would you train these different types of people in the same manner? I hope not.

The sad thing is that most leaders don’t know their team’s well enough to understand these differences. If that’s the case in your situation, the first step is incredibly easy. Just ask them. Ask them what they like and dislike about the job. Ask them what motivates them and how they like to learn best. Not only will you find out an incredible amount of useful information, you’ll also show them how much you care.

To understand more about how to understand, accept and act on the differences between the members of your team, read Performance Breakthrough: The Four Secrets of Passionate Organizations.



My name is Mike Goldman. I’m an executive coach and my purpose in life is to change the world by helping people discover and live their passion.

The purpose of this blog is to help me achieve that purpose by communicating breakthrough ideas and tips to make that happen.

Imagine what your life would look like if you lived your passion everyday. Imagine how it would feel to wake up in the morning and say “I can’t wait to go to work today!”. Wouldn’t it be great if work felt like a hobby.

If you’re a business owner, imagine the impact of your employees feeling that way. What would that do to your company’s performance? What would it do for morale? What would it do for your competitive advantage?

I hope you’ll join me by reading this blog and sharing your ideas. I look forward to our conversation.