
The Recipe For Mediocre

I hope you had a great  Thanksgiving!

With the New Year coming up, I bet you’re starting to think about new goals for your business. I would also bet that your goal is not to be mediocre in 2011.

I’ve just made a short video that will change your perpective on what makes us great vs. mediocre.
In this video, you’ll learn:
  • What most of us spend 80% of our time doing and how it keeps us from being great.
  • The real meaning of “well rounded”
  • How to create an extraordinary team
Be sure to watch the video right now. Just click here or on the image below). It’ll only take you about 2 minutes and it will dramatically improve your business and your life.

After you watch the video, be sure to check out the tools (team coaching, individual coaching and products) I have available to help you take the next step.

Break through and make it happen!


Using THIS Four-Letter Word Can Help You Get More Sales

Do you remember the last time you went to a dealership to buy a car?  Over the years, my experience never varies.   I pull up at the dealership, and a sales person literally runs over to my car and tackles me before I can even get out of the front door.   The sales person’s first question?   You guessed it:   “What would it take to have you drive home in this new car today?”

In sales, we call that type of question a “closing question.”  Any good sales person (or any good attorney for that matter!) will tell you that you shouldn’t ask a closing question until you are sure that the answer will be “Yes!”  And, to get to a “yes” answer to the question of whether your client wants to buy whatever you are selling, you need to first determine what that client needs and wants.

I once heard a statistic that less than 20% of all sales people actually take the time to ask questions of their prospects before asking for the sale – before asking that closing question.  So, if you are in sales, keep reading.   Today, we’ll share with you a simple formula for asking great questions that will put you in the 20% of sales people who take the time to understand their prospect’s needs and wants as a part of the sales process.   That formula is a four-letter word:   GRCO.

(OK, so it’s not really a word, but actually an acronym, but it’s a terrific mnemonic aide to help you remember this  formula for asking questions.)

Let’s set the context for a typical sales call or meeting.   You would first build some rapport and trust with your prospect. This might include a warm welcome, some opening questions about them or their business, good eye contact, and other such techniques to establish a productive relationship at the beginning of a sales engagement.   Once you have established some trust, your next step is to ask the GRCO questions.   Let’s take them one at a time:

G stands for “Goal” Questions.   When talking with your client, start by asking them some questions about what matters most to them.  What are they trying to accomplish?  What are the important measures for the business this year?  What will make them consider the year a success?   What do they personally want to accomplish in X time?  Goal questions allow your client to talk about their envisioned future, about what they really need and want, and allow you to laser-focus on what is most important to them.

R stands for “Rewards” Questions.   Now that you know the goals, ask your prospect questions that tell you more about what is in it for them when they achieve those goals.  Good questions to ask include, “What is the benefit of achieving that goal?” or “What will be different when you achieve X?”  Rewards questions give you a sense of the value of the goals, which can often tell you a lot about how much the client may need your help to meet that goal.

C stands for “Consequences” Questions.  These are the reverse of rewards questions.  What will happen if X is not reached?  If the client/business can’t achieve whatever the goal is, how will that impact the business?  What is the downside of not achieving the goal?  Many people say that most sales happen in order to avoid a problem, rather than in order to achieve a particular target.   Understanding the consequences for your client is critical to your ability to then map your solution to their needs.

Last, O stands for “Obstacles” Questions.   What would keep the client/business from achieving the goal?  What is standing in the way of success?    What challenges are they running into?   These questions are very powerful tools in your sales arsenal, since they often point to problems that the client cannot overcome themselves.  That’s why they need you!  If you can identify internal challenges and obstacles, and whatever you are selling can help them get past those issues, then your ability to sell just got easier.

Armed with the answers to these important GRCO questions, you are now ready to show how your product or service is perfectly positioned to help the client achieve the goals, overcome the obstacles, achieve the rewards and avoid the consequences related to that goal.   The next time you walk into a sales call, take a minute to write the acronym GRCO at the top of your note pad.   If needed, draft some GRCO questions in advance so that you can use them with your prospect.   Then methodically ask these four types of questions and let the client tell you exactly what they need to be successful.   If your solution aligns to the GRCO answers, you are then ready to ask your closing question – and get a “Yes” response. 

Good luck!   Let me know how it works for you – I’m always interested in hearing about your experiences.  


The Golden Rule Doesn’t Work Part 2

In our last video, we challenged your long held beliefs about the Golden Rule. We talked about treating people the way THEY wanted to be treated instead of how WE wanted to be treated.

The challenge is in finding out how other people want to be treated. Most of us don’t have a clue.

In this video, you’ll learn  
  • Why asking someone how they want to be treated almost never works
  • How do use behavioral interviewing as a leadership tool
Be sure to watch the video right now. Just click here or on the image below). It’ll only take you about 2 minutes and it will dramatically improve your business and your life.
After you watch the video, be sure to check out the tools (coaching and products) I have available to help you take the next step.
Break through and make it happen!

Who is Preventing You From Selling?

How many times have you sat through a sales meeting or any meeting for that matter where you’ve heard someone make the suggestion: “We’ve got to think outside the box.” It’s a phrase that doesn’t need a whole lot of explanation. In fact, it’s seems like the perfect phrase to capture the frustration we experience when our imagination feels trapped and our thoughts appear stuck to the soles of our shoes.

If we think of this metaphorical box as containing the walls that confine our thinking, then by understanding these barriers we open up the opportunity to break free and take control of our negative senses and use the power of our thoughts to develop new ideas and opportunities. In the Little Red Book of Selling, Jeffrey Gittomer outlined the 8.5 negative senses that the subconscious mind presents and projects when selling, which become the walls that paralyze our thinking:  

  1. The sense of fear.
  2. The sense of nervousness.
  3. The sense of rejection.
  4. The sense of procrastination or reluctance.
  5. The sense of justification/rationale.
  6. The sense of self-doubt.
  7. The sense of uncertainty.
  8. The sense of doom.

8.5. The sense of “I’m unlucky.”

Understanding that our minds move us in the direction of our current dominant thoughts, we have the ability to penetrate these walls by focusing our attention to our positive thoughts and taking back control. When you begin to feel in control, you begin to radiate positive energy, which leads to (sales) success. According to Gittomer, adopting the following 6 positive sales senses is the way forward….

  1. The sense of confidence….The air you have about you that’s bred by preparation and previous wins. The best part about confidence is that it’s contagious. You can give it to your prospect. (Don’t confuse confidence with its evil twin – arrogance.)
  2. The sense of positive anticipation – Everyone has read the best book on the subject before the age of five. – The Little Engine That Could. I think I can, I think I can. Thinking you can is 50% of the outcome (So is thinking you can’t.)
  3. The sense of determination – The sense of hanging in there no matter what. Determination is having the prospect tell you “no,” and you hear it as, “not yet.”
  4. The sense of achievement – Everyone subconsciously strives for their goals. Sensing achievement comes from a replay of the satisfaction you gained from making your last sale. Remember how good it felt?
  5. The sense of winning – Everyone wants to win, but only a few actually do. That’s because the will to prepare to win must exceed the will to win.
  6. The sense of success – This is the hardest sense to master, because you must sense it before you actually achieve it. That calm feeling of money in the bank. An “I can do it” attitude. And a well-lit path in front of you. The sense of positive purpose.

Earl Nightingale, in his legendary tape, “The Strangest Secret,” says, “You become what you think about.” Truer words have never been spoken. But the secret to “The Strangest Secret,” is – It’s a dedicated self-discipline that must be practiced every day. How close to “every day” are you?

The most interesting aspect of “The Strangest Secret,” is that it contains the counter balance to turn all your destructive senses into constructive senses by employing the strongest sense of them all – common sense.


Argh! Do I have to go to another meeting today?

Which of these situations has happened to you?

  • In your last meeting, did you walk out without a clear idea of what you were supposed to do?
  • Have you looked around a meeting and wondered why all those people were invited?
  • Have you calculated how much money your organization is “spending” waiting for meetings to start?

We all know that business can’t operate without meetings – meetings to plan, meetings for updates, meetings to keep communication lines open.   However, effectively-run meetings are often hard to find in the workplace.  A survey by Hofstra University projected that over $40 billion is wasted on mismanaged meetings every year.   Since there are between 11 million and 33 million meetings conducted in the United States every day, the business of meetings is critical to everyone’s continued success.

As a result of discussions with a cross-section of employees and organizations, we’ve put together a Top Five list of tips for effective meetings. 

Tip #1:  Communicate the goal and the agenda for the meeting.  Publicize that goal when you schedule the meeting, and then evaluate every topic against that goal – if the discussion doesn’t support the goal, then it shouldn’t be in the agenda.   At Intel Corporation, they keep a poster in every meeting room that says “Do you know the purpose of this meeting?”  How many meetings actually include a firm agenda that is published in advance to all the attendees?  An agenda should clearly state the topics, an approximate length for discussion, the “owner” of each topic, and action steps for each topic. 

Tip #2:  Identify the meeting participants.  Recent research shows that after the first seven participants, every additional person lowers the productivity of the group in a meeting.   Wow!  Consider your own meetings – how many do you go to that have more than seven participants?  Consider who really needs to attend based on the agenda.  Also, remember that the more people invited to the meeting, the longer the meeting will take.

Tip #3:  Establish the ground rules for the meeting.  Some typical items to include in the ground rules are when agendas are due to participants, the use of technology in a meeting, and start and end times.  Designate a time keeper who is not the meeting organizer.  One of the biggest time wasters is meetings that don’t start and end on time – wouldn’t you agree? 

Tip #4:  Use a Parking Lot.   A Parking Lot is a place to put topics that fall outside the meeting agenda – or that should be postponed for later.   Some meeting organizers use visual Parking Lots – such as a piece of large paper posted on the wall where ideas can be posted during meetings so they don’t get lost.  Some meeting organizers simply record parking lot ideas on a pad of paper – or assign someone to capture them and send the list out for inclusion in future meeting agendas.  The disciplined use of a “parking lot” will keep your meetings on track and on agenda.

Tip #5:  Set Clear Action Items.  Establish what is next, how will it be done, who is responsible, and deadline details before you leave the meeting.   How do you hold people accountable in your meetings?  Even if you are not the meeting organizer, you can still push for accountability – remind the host to set clear next steps and timelines.

Bonus Tip:  Evaluate Your Meetings.   Periodically, take the time to review the regular meetings in your organization.  Do they all still have a clear purpose?  Are they the right length?   Are the right people attending?  What needs to change in order to make your meetings more effective?

As a final thought, consider this quote from Patrick Lencioni’s book, Death by Meeting, “Most executives I know spend hours sending email, leaving voice mail, and roaming the halls to clarify issues that should have been made clear during a meeting in the first place … I have no doubt that sneaker time is the most subtle, dangerous, and underestimated black hole in corporate America.” 

What is your biggest meeting challenge?  We want to hear from you.  Write to us and share your stories and your ideas.   And if you want to dive deeper into this topic – and especially how to make your meetings more effective even when you are not in charge of them, email us at mgoldman@pb-coach.com.


The Golden Rule Doesn’t Work!

Do you adhere to the adage that all employees should be treated equally? If so, your team will never achieve their true potential, and never be truly happy in their work.
I’ve just made a short video that will change your perpective on your long held beliefs about the Golden Rule.
In this video, you’ll learn  
  • Why the Golden Rule doesn’t work
  • What you need to know to motivate your yourself and your team
  • The principle of “acceptance” and the platinum rule
Be sure to watch the video right now. Just click here or on the image below). It’ll only take you about 2 minutes and it will dramatically improve your business and your life.
After you watch the video, be sure to check out the tools (coaching and products) I have available to help you take the next step.
Break through and make it happen!

Keep Your Motivation Engine Running

I was running late for an appointment last week and jumped into my car and turned the key .The nice smooth sound of ignition I was so used to hearing was replaced by the horrible grinding sound of an engine just about to turnover. I kept turning the key thinking that by some miracle it would stop the grinding noise and just start. Instead it drained what was left in the battery and silence followed. I was dead in the water.

How many times have you found yourself ready to go but unable to move? You lack the spark and or energy to move forward. Where did it go? You might have started out on your goal, journey or project with plenty of good intentions but for whatever reason it dissipated or just stopped. As a student of human behavior and a Business Coach I am brutally aware of the difficulty of keeping ourselves motivated to get to where we want to go. The traditional motivation methods most of us have experienced are motivation by incentive or fear. The boss tries to scare you into action by threats that range from firing to demotion. The next day in a change of heart the boss offers you the promise of bonuses, promotion or equity if you achieve the goal. Clearly both can have an impact, and often do, but the results are usually short term at best. Threats lose their veracity if they are never acted on. Incentives are only effective if you believe the goal is achievable but lose their long term impact once achieved. Neither approach has a long lasting motivational impact.  So what is one to do if you want to change or achieve a difficult goal but can’t seem to stay motivated to do what is necessary to get to your destination?

I believe part of the answer is in finding what sparks us or excites us. If you can discover what you are passionate about and harness that passion you can access an unlimited battery of inspiration energy to keep you motivated and moving forward. Discovering your passion can be difficult since most of us have followed the career scripts provided to us by well meaning parents, educators and society.  A simple way to start would be to list all the activities you do in your present job that you enjoy doing and are good at. The next step would be to ask your peers, friends, clients and family what they think your greatest strengths are.  You should get some clarity on what you are passionate about and what truly motivates you. Finally, a good book that gives some insight to the power of connecting your passion to business is “Crush It!” by Gary Vaynerchuk

Aligning your passion with the behaviors necessary to convert that passion into results assures you a consistent spark that will keep your motor running!


What are your big rocks?

It’s January. Everyone is excited about their goals for 2010. The health club parking lots are all crowded…for now. But we all know what happens in February. The motivation dies down and resolutions are put on the shelf…until next year.
I’ve just made a short video to hep you ensure this doesn’t happen to you.
In this video, you’ll learn:
  • The difference between efficiency and effectiveness
  • What “big rocks” have to do with having a fulfilling life
  • A simple exercise to help you focus on the right goals
Be sure to watch the video right now. Just click here or on the image below). It’ll only take you about 3 minutes and it will absolutely change your outlook on (and the results of) the rest of your day.
After you watch the video, be sure to check out the tools (coaching and products) I have available to help you take the next step.

Also, for those of you keeping track…

I’m now down 18lbs. 2 more to go by January 30th!!
Keep holding me accountable!

What’s Your Recipe For Positive Energy?

When we think negative thoughts our brains automatically scan our environment for things to justify these thoughts. That why some days start bad and just seem to get worse.

When we think positive thoughts the same thing happens. Therefore, it’s critical to know how to shift your energy from negative to positive at any moment.

What’s your recipe for creating postive thoughts and positive energy in the face of negative circumstances?

Here are some things that work for me:

  • Taking a long walk in nature (this seems to clear my mind and bring new ideas, seemingly out of nowhere)
  • Listening to high energy music (for me, nothing beats AC/DC’s “Back in Black”)
  • Reading an inspirational book or passage
  • Thinking about all of the things I’m thankful for
  • Exercising
  • Using affirmations first thing in the morning, before I go to sleep at night and anytime I feel down throughout the day
  • Meditating
  • Visualizing the life I’m committed to leading as if it’s already happened

What works for you? If you know, do it! If you don’t, experiment and come up with your own recipe.

I’d love to know what works for you. Please reply to this and let me know!!


It Starts With An Attitude

Ever wonder why it seems like th rich get richer and the poor get poorer? It all starts with an attitude.

Scenario One – The Rich Get Richer:

Step 1 – Attitude: Susan has a goal of achieving great things in her business and believes her potential is limitless. Her attitude practically shouts “I believe in myself and I believe in my business!”.

Step 2 Action: Because of Susan’s belief and attitude, she takes massive action. She is an unstoppable machine.

Step3 – Results: Susan’s massive action leads to incredible results.

Step 4 – Attitude – Susan’s incredible results feed her beliefs and make her attitude even stronger.

This stronger attitude drives even more massive action, greater results and the cycle goes on…up and up and up.

Scenario One – The Poor Get Poorer:

Step 1 – Attitude: John has a goal of achieving great things in his business but is pessimistic about his potential in this economy. He sees other around him struggling. Why should he be any different?

Step 2 Action: Because of John’s beliefs and attitudes, he takes little action. He’d rather wait and see when the economy will turn around.

Step3 – Results: Because of John’s lack of action, he sees little results.

Step 4 – Attitude – John’s poor results feed his beliefs and make his attitude even more negative.

This attitude drives even less action, poorer results and the cycle goes on…down and down and down.

What are you doing to feed your attitude today?